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Lazy & Slow ❤️ A Live Yin Yoga Class to Rebalance & Rejuvinate... Hello love :) How are you?   I hope this message finds you well :) For me at the moment life has been super- busy. Every minute seems to be something going on. I feel very grateful as its been full of lovely things like singing mantras, teaching yoga and being with my little ones. For me life definitely has that high summer energy right now.     Summer is a particularly good time to practice yin, it helps cool us down, calm us down and keep the balance by making space for something slow, subtle, and introspective at a time when life tends to be hot, fast and outward focussed.     I hope you enjoy this session and that you have a great week,      :) Sacha  PS You can access all my exclusive courses and music at my Patreon or gain access to my new course on Insight Timer: Mantras for awakening here:
Recent posts

Yin Yoga to Relax and Restore...

  New Video!!!   Yin Yoga to Relax and Restore (50 mins): Hello lovely people ,      How are you?  I am so excited to be slowly coming back to teaching since having baby Angelina. I am now teaching a  weekly live yin yoga class  and my aim is to record each session and share it with you -so today is the first in this series :)  Right now it feels like life is calling me to really make space for my priorities- the summer energy is already in full swing here on Corfu and there are so many wonderful possibilities and opportunities- I am having to be very careful to  hold space for what is really dear  to me as it is very tempting to say yes to everything and to end up too burned out to really enjoy what matters or to be  present for what is really needed.  I feel like since having my first child ( and even more so with my second one!) I have tried so hard to keep my online of...

The Yoga with Sacha Family is Growing!

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Sat Cit Ananda!

  Hello dear ones, Gosh it has been a long time since I regularly posted content- all I can say is I'm sorry and thank you soo much for your patience and continued support! On a personal note I'm right at the end of my pregnancy for baby number 2 :) and she could make her arrival pretty much any day this month from now on. The glamourous world of pregnancy and childcare has taken most of my energy in recent months! These are of course still very crazy times for all of us, and there has also been much to do to keep life moving and growing in the right direction, coping with the endless changes needed to stay afloat and of course, dealing with all the pregnancy phases, stages and symptoms... lets just say that there have been many opportunities to practice mindfulness and meditation! There has also been amazing cause for gratitude with the love, support and creativity of my family and friends at the very top of my list right now :) So I wanted to draw special attent...

Uodate, Lovestream on Monday & Pregnancy Yoga Course Coming Soon! :)

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Free 40 min Mantra Practice for You :)

  Hello there! How are you? Today I am super happy to finally share another video with you  :) Live Mantras :) Om Mani Padme Hung, Ahum Prema, Tall trees Deep water, Sita Ram Jai Hanuman This week has been a busy one- balancing family time, keeping on top of business at Mandala Yoga B&B and leading yin yoga and mantras daily- phew!! For me there is no better way then to start the day with yoga and mantras- it has been such a blessing to be well enough to get back to teaching and back to my own practice.   The mantras in this video are all live recordings from the last live stream (lovestream!) I hope that you sing along and enjoy them and they bring a little more peace and bliss to your day. Namaste, :) Sacha  Find out about music, retreats, one to one sessions and much more at:

Bed Yoga- A gentle class for a great night's sleep...

  Hello beautiful people, How are you? Today I am super happy to share a bed yoga class with you :) Bed Yoga: A Gentle Practice for a Great Nights Sleep I. Love. Bed. Yoga! To take a little bit of time, first thing in the morning or last thing at night, elevated on your own comfy mattress, dressed in your pyjamas to do a restorative and relaxing sequence seems to make for some truly yummy self-care time!   I've created a whole course of Bed Yoga classes that I have released on my Patreon site- and there are still some more in progress.   I hope that you enjoy this session and that it helped you to unwind and sleep wonderfully. Namaste, :) Sacha  To support yoga with Sacha, access special online content and monthly live sessions become a Patron at: Find out about music, retreats, one to one sessions and much more at: