"Everything relies on everything else in the cosmos in order to manifest—whether a star, a cloud, a flower, a tree, or you and me." -Thich Nhat Hanh Hello my friend, How are you? For me, time seems to be flying by despite the lockdown, and this week has felt a little different... Somewhere deep inside me is a real feeling of hope. A feeling that none of our upheaval, change, grief and/or disruption has been for nothing. A feeling that the whole world can take many lessons from this time; and perhaps we can come out of this with new priorities, new visions and the chance to birth a whole new world based upon what is really important to all of us. I feel connected :) Connected to all of you who bother to read my weekly ramblings(!!!), to those of you who practice yoga and sing mantras with me and to the many, amazing friends old and new t...