Hello beautiful person, How are you? I apologise that I haven't been in touch very often recently! It feels (at least for me and many people around me) that life is still very intense. For myself I become more pregnant by the day and as I get a little slower and less agile each day, my almost-2-year-old son gets a little bit faster and more agile! There seems to be soo much to plan, do, wrap up and work on and not enough hours in the day to keep it all together... But through it all is also soo much beauty , soo much surrender, soo many lessons and opportunities to rest in what is. As ever, my yoga, meditation and mantra practices are carrying me through and the time I carve out to do these things gives me soo much and always of deep benefit. I hope you are finding the time to take care of yourself: Don't forget that there are tons of free yoga classes, meditations and mantras over at The Yoga With Sacha Youtube Channel One thi...